Setting up a notifier

Discord notifier

Creating a Discord bot as a notifier is pretty straightforward:

  • Log into the Discord Developer Portal and create a new Application.
  • Navigate to the "Bot" settings and add a new bot.
  • Copy the token.
  • Disable the "Public bot" switch.
  • Navigate to the "OAuth2" settings and click on "URL generator".
  • Enable the "Bot" scope and "Send messages" permissions.
  • Visit the generated URL.
  • Select the server on which you want to add the bot.

Now add the following lines to your fikkie configuration:

  - type: discord
    token: 'foobarbaz'
    channel_id: 1234

The Discord notifier uses the hikari package as a dependency, so make sure you install that as well.

E-mail notifier

The e-mail notifier needs to login on an SMTP server. In this example, GMail's SMTP server is used to mail to a hotmail recipient.

  - type: email
    recipient: ''
    email: ''
    password: 'abcdefghijkl'
    smtp_server: ''
    smtp_port: 465  # This is the default port, you can remove this line

Note that for this to work with GMail, you would first need to create an App Password.

Slack notifier

Create a Slack bot by following these steps:

  • Visit the Slack Apps page.
  • Create a new App and select the "From scratch" option.
  • Name the App and pick the workspace in which the bot must send notifications.
  • Go to "OAuth & Permissions".
  • Scroll down to the "Scopes" section and add a chat:write OAuth Scope for bots.
  • Now scroll up and click on "Install to Workspace".
  • After allowing the permissions, copy the token under "Bot User OAuth Token".
  • Finally, return to Slack, select the newly added App and click on the name of the Bot.
  • Click on "Add this Bot to a channel" to, well, add it to a channel!

Now add the following lines to your fikkie configuration:

  - type: slack
    token: 'xoxb-foobarbaz'
    channel_id: 'C0******'

The Slack notifier uses the slack_sdk package as a dependency, so make sure you install that as well.

Telegram notifier

Talk to @BotFather to create a bot and add the following lines to your fikkie configuration:

  - type: telegram
    token: '1234:abcd'
    chat_id: 1234

The Telegram notifier uses the python-telegram-bot package as a dependency, so make sure you install that as well.