Developer's guide

So you want to write a patch, fix a bug or implement a new feature? You're awesome, thanks!

Setting up a development environment

Start off by forking the fikkie GitHub repository and clone the fork.

git clone
cd fikkie

Now create a virtual environment to prevent a dependency hell on your system.

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Now that you're inside the virtual environment, install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r test-requirements.txt

Finally, fikkie will need a configuration file to send notifications. We could use fikkie to setup it's working directory in ~/.fikkie.

pip install .
fikkie init

Now edit ~/.fikkie/config.yaml:

    minute: '*'
    hour: '*'

This will make sure fikkie sends a heartbeat notification every minute.

The celery output will contain logs of the heartbeat notifications, but please check out Setting up a notifier to configure a notifier.

Useful commands

The project contains a Makefile to make your life a tiny bit easier. The most important make commands are the following three:

make unit  # Run the unit tests
make lint  # Run the linter (black)
make dev   # Run fikkie with loglevel set to DEBUG

Notifier checklist

Let's say you want to extend fikkie with a notifier for your favorite chat app. These are the steps you want to follow to implement it:

  • Setup a bot and describe the steps in docs/docs/
  • Create a PoC script where you send a message with this bot.
  • Create a new FooNotifier class in fikkie/notifiers/, maybe use another notifier (e.g. fikkie/notifiers/ as template.
  • Test it.
  • Write a unit test in tests/unit/notifiers and its fixtures in tests/unit/
  • Add an entry for the notifier in docs/docs/

Now create a PR and share it with the world!